Nya Loro Kidul
Goddess Tarot
Today's message is about temptation, but maybe not the way you think. Nyai's story is about the temptation to harm or defame someone based on your own anger or jealousy. We are living in a time when comparing ourselves to others is really easy. Social media shows people living wonderful, exciting lives and looking beautiful and wearing lovely clothing. If we are not satisfied within ourselves, these things can cause us to become jealous and bitter. Remember that everyone is on their own path. Rememeber that what people show online is the best part of their day, and not the worst. Try to stop comparing what you have to what others have, because you truly don't know their experience. They may seem to have a great life, but they can also be hurting and in a lot of pain. Cherish your own life. Celebrate others, don't try to tear them down. And even if they are trying to rub something in your face, think of why they feel the need to do that, because it is only out of unhappiness. To make it simple, worry about yourself. Stop talking shit. Rise above that mess and keep your spirit golden.
This is so very true. This is why I have only been hanging out with my family for a lot of years. Later, I became celibate, it happens to anyone who admits it. So, when we are ready, we go into this Hermitic Mood. I, make up my own words😁. And I mess up in my writing, because, I just found out I have a Trait, that’s labeled with letters. Come to find out this “ADHD” is how our Ancestors related to the world. I’m grateful, I am able to interact with others, even if it is Virtually, in which I’m very fond of😃. Goddess. You are so very talented, a great writer, artist, Mom, Witch, friend, Seer, etc. Keep being…