A bit of a heavy card to get in the beginning of summer! The apple card reversed is a symbol of multitude, and not necessarily in a positive way. We are living in a time where stillness and focus aren't a priority. As long as we are working, moving, changing, and basically scattering ourselves about, we feel like we are being productive. This isn't always the case. Focusing on and finishing one project seems like a difficult task. We so often want to be seen as a mover and shaker, someone who is doing so much, getting so much done. We are leaving unfinished lists and half eaten meals and those incomplete tasks are started to pile and fester. Choose one thing that you want to accomplish, and accomplish it. Keep one thing in your mind and feed all of your energy into it. Give it the attention that it deserves to be something wonderful. Something that you can be proud of. You can't turn in a bunch of unfinished projects. You can't drive across the country with half a tank. Give your goals the individual attention that they deserve before moving onto the next. This way you enjoy every sweet moment of victory, instead of a few small bites 🍎